Figjam as a Backchannel Tool

One of my favorite uses of edtech tools ever is to have a backchannel, whether that was in the classroom or when doing a presentation at a conference. A very memorable experience of mine as a classroom teacher happened soon after my classroom went 1 to 1 where every student was given a laptop. It…

AI and Academic Honesty

With the rapid rise of easily accessible AI tools this year, there are a lot of educators scrambling to answer the question around how the use of AI in the classroom will impact learning. With this, there is a strong desire to have some written statements around how AI could and should be used in…

ChatGPT as a Physics Tutor?

I have been taking a deep dive into the AI craze of late and while there is still a lot to figure out, I have a huge hope about how we can use this tool in the classroom as an learning aid. One issue that I have seen in so many classrooms, including Physics classes…

Not All Memory Works The Same

One of my weakest traits as a learner revolves around my poor working memory. This impacts me as a learner and as a teacher. Working memory is basically how you handle that information you only need for a short period of time. A great example of this is when people try to give me a…

Escaping Your Bubble

Although it is only almost spring break, I am looking forward to summer and days when my schedule is whatever I want it to be and I will get the chance to slow down for a bit. One thing that I will keep doing throughout the summer, though is revolved around my desire to continue…